Road Trip

I love to travel, but I have to say I love “road tripping” even more. This past weekend, I got to road trip with long time friends, to a familiar place. So familiar, in fact, that I have gone there every year for a long time.

What I love about driving through America is how I am reminded how diverse it is. Every state is unique, people will laugh, but to me, highways in each state are subtly different. I can even tell we’ve changed states upon waking up from a nap.  I realize that seems somewhat odd, but landscapes are disparate, with their trees, hedgerows, rock walls and art deco overpasses. Even the Tappan Zee Bridge has changed appearance (over the years) and its name, now the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, although even Facebook doesn’t acknowledge this change. LOL! 

I find that at rest stops, I people watch, so many types, families, singles, couples, different ethnicities, colours, and make-ups. It makes me wonder about their back-stories, where are they coming from or going to. What they have experienced, are they heading toward a new opportunity or off to mourn an unforeseen loss?

In places, signs are different representing what is important to them, like in NJ “all people, all rides need to be belted in”, or in PA, exit signs are near the ground in public buildings. Road names are diverse and reflect different ethnic backgrounds, and of course it’s not lost on me, as an emigrant that I am attending a meeting, that plans events to represent the American Revolution and the birth of a nation.

I love America, its diversity, its back-story, and its beauty.  I am also perplexed by its intolerance, its impatience and its prejudice. Every person, every family makes a contribution. It is a country built upon the foundation of other cultures, namely First Peoples, and upon the blood, sweat and tears of emigrants. In this country, everyone came from somewhere. Embrace your surroundings, honor your history and be tolerant of others. America is a brilliant country, which will only continue to be so, the more we tolerate each other, our histories and our contributions. I am lucky to live here. Take nothing for granted.

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